It seems crazy but it’ll be here before we know it! Call me tomorrow if you have a child coming to kindergarten this fall! Gearing up for kindergarten is a great thing for both parents and students! *Child must be 5 by July 31st! *
about 6 years ago, Stephanie Ramberg
Gearing up!
Kindergarten search!
Tioga High School has immediate openings for a administrative assistant (secretary) and a paraprofessional (aide). An application form will be posted on Monday or you can pick one up at the Tioga High School office. Open until filled. Call (701) 664 2333 for more information.EOE
about 6 years ago, Carolyn Eide, Superintendent
Band Students and Families: Here is the link to the Band Boosters Basketball Concessions Sign-up: Thank You for Supporting the Music Program! Happy 2019! Mrs. Lewis
about 6 years ago, Ella Lewis
Today's basketball game schedule in Trenton: JV girls: 4:15 V girls: 5:45 V boys: 7:15 There is no JV boys game in Trenton.
about 6 years ago, Ryan Eraas
Update January menu!
about 6 years ago, Stephanie Ramberg
January menu
DONKEY BASKETBALL is coming to town January 13th! Open to the public. Free will donation meal starts at 5:30. Games start at 6:30. Tickets are $7 in advance or $10 at the door. Advanced tickets available at the high school.
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
Donkey Basketball
More Art projects! These talented students made the vases pictured. They are now filled with flowers from Dragonfly Floral and are beautiful. Some of the vases will be going to the Tioga Medical Center nursing home while others will be on display at Dragonfly Floral. Good work students!
about 6 years ago, Brodie Odegaard
Ms. Boyer's 7th grade art class made and hung homemade Christmas ornaments for the tree at the Tioga Fire and Ambulance Department as a thank you for their service.
about 6 years ago, Brodie Odegaard
Candy Cane Grams!
about 6 years ago, Stephanie Ramberg
Candy Cane Grams!
The soft lockdown has expired. The school day and buses will operate as normal. Thank you for your patience and support.
about 6 years ago, Carolyn Eide, Superintendent
Tioga PD has requested the schools be on a soft lockdown as of 2:15, December 13. The incident is not on school property. This is precautionary. Thank you.
about 6 years ago, Carolyn Eide, Superintendent
Schedule for December 18 home basketball games vs Stanley: 3:00 p.m.: JV girls 4:30 p.m.: JV boys 6:00 p.m.: V girls 7:30 p.m.: V boys
about 6 years ago, Ryan Eraas
MLS GBB does not have a JV team this year, so Tioga's GBB JV will play the Divide County JV team at 5:45 this Friday. Tioga and MLS varsity will play at 7:15. Both games at Tioga High School.(December 14)
about 6 years ago, Ryan Eraas
Saturday's (December 8) schedule for the GBB Tip off Tourney: Noon: Trinity Christian/Alexander vs Ray (5th place) 1:30: Tioga vs Burke County (3rd place) 3:00: Divide County vs Trenton (championship) Come out and support the Lady Pirates as they play for third place!
about 6 years ago, Ryan Eraas
Stanley Lion's Boys Basketball Tournament Bracket Download the PDF here:
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
BBB Stanley Lions Tourney
One more time of posting the Tip-Off Tournament schedule
about 6 years ago, Carolyn Eide, Superintendent
Tip off tournament schedule
The December activities calendar has been updated with more events. If you printed a copy previously, you will want to replace it with the new version.
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
The 2018 Tioga GBB Tip-off Tournament is on December 3, 6, 7, & 8. See the picture for more details or go to: Good Luck Pirates!
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
2018 GBB Tip Off Tournament
Bring on December! The school website/app is up to date with the school activities and menu items for the remainder of the 2018 school year. Check out the Documents section, if you would like to download a copy of the calendars.
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
The FCCLA group is holding a Snowball Dance tonight. See the picture for additional details.
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Klabo - THS Business Teacher
Snowball dance