News update

With the recent breach of PowerSchool SIS systems across the US, Tioga Public School District has investigated and found that our PowerSchool site has also been compromised.  

December 22, 2024 a “bad actor” had exported student and staff data.  This week, with the help and guidance from PowerSchool and ND ITD (ND Information Technology Department), our PowerSchool site has been secured from the threat and we are back to normal operations.  Our own investigation has provided us with the information that was exported. 

Student/parent data that has been exported includes student names, parent/guardian names, emergency contacts, student date of birth, mailing and/or physical address, phone numbers, lunch ID numbers, free/reduced lunch status, lunch balance, email addresses, medical alert information such as allergies, medication, etc., student and parent PowerSchool account usernames and passwords.  Any information that you would have provided to the school in the registration process would be included.  We do NOT enter student or parent social security numbers.  We also do not believe that grades and attendance records were included in this incident.

Staff information that was exported includes names, teacher license numbers, position held, date of birth, emergency contacts, phone numbers, mailing/physical addresses, email addresses, PowerSchool usernames and passwords, lunch ID numbers, lunch balances, etc.

If you haven’t already, we strongly recommend that you change your PowerSchool account passwords.  If this password is also used with other online accounts such as emails, financial institutions, etc. we urge you to change those passwords as well.

We will continue to investigate and update the public on any new developments.